Lighting the path to your next level of unprecedented success

Victorious By Design® (VBD) is a leading media and education enterprise catering to individuals and organizations in the faith-based global marketplace. We deliver top quality literary services and comprehensive personal and professional development programs to meet the unique needs of our clients. VBD Magazine, our internationally acclaimed lifestyle, business, and literary publication, provides game-changing brand visibility, while offering practical advice, actionable strategies, teachable moments, inspiring narratives, and tools that integrate faith with various aspects of life, business, and literature.
Our customers are authors, writers, business leaders, ministry leaders, purpose-driven influencers, industry experts, and other phenomenal individuals. Operating on the philosophy that success is not accidental but rather the result of purposeful actions, we work closely with clients to develop strategic plans, identify key objectives, and implement actionable steps to achieve success.
We are passionate about guiding the careers of authors, so we offer a wide range of services—coaching, writing, editing, publishing, branding, and promotion opportunities. We represent authors at all stages of their careers. We help authors to clarify their message, amplify their voice, and market their books to achieve financial success, industry authority, and career longevity.
We inspire, inform, and empower our clients to put their “faith in action” to achieve their dreams and goals. Through our products and services, we serve as a catalyst, journeying alongside our customers to help turn their passions into powerful messages and businesses.
To maximize their God given potential to achieve the optimal lifestyle
To find their clear purpose in life, leading to success and fulfillment
To understand and value their uniqueness, thereby creating extraordinary results
To develop a new way of thinking to propel them to the next level
To make informed decisions to bring about positive personal growth
To contribute to the welfare of their fellow man
Innovative training solutions to create a more dynamic, resourceful and professional work environment
Creative approaches for professional development to enhance job performance and productivity
Results-oriented human resources consulting to help fulfill organizational objectives
We believe in working together, the exchanging of ideas and sharing of resources. VBD will assertively identify and foster collaborations with relevant innovative programs and form partnerships that can ultimately empower individuals, organizations and communities to tackle a wide range of needs and concerns.
VBD brings together a community of knowledgeable and proficient professionals who are empowered to positively impact individuals and organizations through a wealth of knowledge and a variety of experiences and opportunities. Our deep passion for helping others is the driving force behind all our endeavors. We are blessed to be a blessing in every capacity.