"The scent of his cologne still hung in the air. She didn't really hate it. She hated what it represented—embarrassment that he'd overheard that argument so long ago, that he knew her heart then and even now."

In Beyond the Deserts Sands by Tracie Peterson, “one of the themes for the hero, Aaron Bailey, is learning that sometimes the path we believe God has chosen for us isn’t at all what we thought it would be,” Tracie states. “Meanwhile, the heroine, Isabella Garcia, has to deal with the past and her difficulty in trusting a heavenly Father when she can’t even trust her earthly one.”
The Blurb
Twenty-five-year-old Isabella Garcia has spent the last seven years living in opulence at her aunt’s California home. The last thing she wants to do is celebrate Christmas with her parents in the small silver-mining town of Silver Veil. Not only will she have to leave her handsome beau, Diego Morales, but she must bear the company of Aaron Bailey, the disapproving Santa Fe Railroad businessman her father has sent to escort her home, who clearly finds her spoiled.
When Isabella finally arrives in Silver Veil, she is surprised by how much the town has grown in her absence. But she is also shocked to see how much her father’s health has declined. When Diego shows up unexpectedly with news of her aunt’s death, Isabella is faced with some-life changing decisions. But trouble is brewing.

Isabella must determine who she can truly rely on as well as reconcile who she’s become with who she’s meant to be—even if it costs her everything.
Tracie Peterson is the award-winning author of over 100 novels, both historical and contemporary. Her avid research resonates in her many bestselling series. Tracie and her family make their home in Montana.
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