We had a wonderful time talking with award-winning author Kendy Ward about her literary works, including her new novel, Reign Storm, Book 3, Knight in Damaged Armor Series, which was released on September 24, 2021.
“In every true romance you'll find God. For God is Love,” says Kendy. "I wrote this story to of course tell an amazing love story, but also to show that everyone’s walk with Christ is different, everyone’s relationship with God is different, and as we walk with Him on whichever road He is leading us, if we allow Him, He will heal our brokenness."
Today, Monday, 12/13/2021, author Kendy Ward is in the spotlight on our blog and in Ann Marie Bryan's Facebook Readers' Cafe. Join her event on Facebook: Ann Marie Bryan's Readers' Cafe.
Back Cover Description
As a young girl, she was deemed trash, and no one wanted anything to do with her. Now all grown up, as the brash owner of the Bahamas’ number one magazine and a fledgling clothing boutique, Reign Bryant has made good on her promise to silence her bullies with success. Although the painful remnants from her past lurk in her spirit, the swanky condo, luxury car and glamorous life she dreamed of through the tears keeps a smile plastered to her face. Still, a reckless mistake from her past haunts her every day, and quick-tempered Reign must make it right before it’s too late.
Handsome detective Storm Knight is Reign’s teenage crush. After 16 years of being absent from her life, Storm is the only person who can lead Reign to the redemption she so desperately craves. Despite his arrogance, self-righteous attitude and polarizing opinions completely opposite of her own, Reign finds herself still attracted to the man who was her first love. Will Reign and Storm be able to put their differences aside, or will her last shot at redemption be her undoing and tear them apart forever?
Amazon: Reign Storm
Character Interview - Reign Storm
How did you come up with the title?
The idea for the title was easy because the main characters names are Reign and Storm.

Tell us about your main characters.
Reign Bryant is a writer, journalist, who owns the #1 magazine in the Bahamas. She prides herself giving the Bahamian public the real news they deserve and loves being the first to break the most sensational stories on the island. She is also a fashionista and socialite who also owns a boutique in downtown Nassau.
She was raised by her brother Clem, who is 8 years older than she is. Their mom died when she was a pre-teen. Her dad stopped taking care of her when her mom died. She came up poor. Got teased because she of it and because she was bigger and taller than the other girls. She vowed that when she grew up she would always have the best.
She creates the life she dreamed of having, but on the inside still felt unwanted and like she didn’t measure up. She loved God but it was like the Apostle Paul wrote every time she did good evil was present. Well, it was really her fast mouth and quick temper that was present.
Storm Knight is a inspector detective for the Royal Bahamas Police Force. He is also a preacher’s kid who at one time thought he would be a preacher also. He stepped away from ministry because he felt like he wasn’t good enough. He fell into temptation too many times. Instead of taking over his father’s church he threw himself into his career in law enforcement where he handled the most high profile cases in the country along with his partner, Clem Johnson, Reign’s brother. He constantly struggles with what being a good Christian looks like and has hard time forgiving himself for the times he has stumbled in his walk, including the time he stumbled with Reign.
Is there conflict in the story?
There internal and external conflicts in the story. External conflict between Reign and Storm because Reign keeps interfering in Storms cases. Storm’s internal conflict is that he promised himself never to mess with Reign again, but he can’t seem to help himself where she is concerned.
Which character in your book are you most like?
I’m not like either of the main characters. I loved creating Reign because she is nothing like me. It was fun to give voice to her. Priscilla is the heroine in book two in the Knight in Damaged Armor series. She’s one of Reign’s best friend and is in this book. I’m most like her.
What are two major events that are taking place in your book?
Two major events taking place in the book is the reveal of the real reason Storm isn’t allowing himself to fall for Reign, and the other is when Reign removes her mask and gets real with herself.
Are your characters from the portrayal of real people?
Describe some of your characters in three words?
Real, intense, honest

What would be the Bible verse that fits your story, and why?
I know this is kind of typical but I Corinthians 13:1 is it. Love is patient. Love is patient with us, which in turn helps our love to be patient with others. God patiently loves both Reign and Storm through faults and failures and once they both allow Love to heal them, they are free to love each other.
What do you want your readers to take away with them after finishing this book?
The only way to deal with the broken parts of our hearts is to be honest with ourselves about what’s broken, take it to God and ask Him to heal it. Forgive yourself is a big take away too.
What characters in your book did you like the most? Why?
I’m most like one of Reign’s best friends, Priscilla, who is the heroine in Only One Knight. I am most like Priscilla because like her I’m the listener and advice giver in friendships.
Which character or part of the book was the most fun to write?
All of Reign’s dialogue was fun to write. Every time she opened her mouth was fun because she doesn’t think because she speaks and I almost always think before I speak. So, writing in Reign’s voice in first person was really fun.
Which scene in your book was the hardest to write?
No particular scene was hard to write; however, I had to do a huge re-write, which was almost like a do-over. I started writing this story several years ago and got half way through it. I picked it up last year to finish it, but because I don’t really outline I couldn’t figure out where I was going with the story. So, I kind of ended up with two different stories in the first half and second half of the manuscript. I had to figure out how to make it one cohesive story. That was really hard, but I got it done.
If your book became a movie who would play the characters?
So, I was just thinking about this earlier today because yesterday I watched an interview with Yvonne Orji from Insecure and author of Bamboozled by Jesus. I was like she’s Reign. She is Reign all day every day. I haven’t settled on who could play Storm. It’s between Dwayne Johnson or Henry Simmons.
Which scene in your book moved you the most?
When Storm cried at church when God was talking to him.
How do you see yourself in your character’s story, if at all?
I don’t really see myself in these characters. If anyone, it would be Storm because like him I grew up in church and had this preconceived idea of what a Christian should or should not look like
What message do you hope readers will get out of reading your story?
That there’s no perfect Christian. God uses us in whatever place in our journey we are in. And it is a journey. So, whatever place you’re in mentally, emotionally, spiritually it’s temporary. As you walk with Him, you get closer to the Mark.
Do you have a favorite quote in your book? If so, why did this quote stand out?
I don’t have a favorite quote from the book. I feel weird quoting myself anyway.
About Kendy

Kendy Ward first garnered recognition as a winner of BET’s First Time Writer’s Competition. She has since self-published a non-fiction work, and been featured in an anthology. Later her first non-fiction work was published in the inspirational and empowering compilation, No Glory without a Story. In 2012 she took her a writing career to another level when she authored her first self-published work, God-Esteem: Seeing the God in You. Her first full length work of fiction, Oh Romeo, Romeo, the first book in The Knight in Shining Armor series, will be released in late 2015. She was also a featured columnist for Essence Bahamas Online Magazine.
As a Toastmasters International award winning speaker, Kendy has spoken throughout South Florida and the Bahamas on topics of faith, empowerment and self-improvement.
She serves at Hope United Church as a minister and is the current president of the church's women’s ministry, Kingdom Women United.
She graduated Cum Laude from Northwood University with a Bachelor’s in International Business and Management. She is currently a manager at a construction company, and is a member of the National Association of Black Women in Construction.
She is the daughter of Kenneth and Trudy Ward, the sister of Denise Poitier and Quincy Ward, and the proud aunty of Zylen K. Ward and Zaire K. Poitier.
Connect with Natasha
Website: https://www.kendyward.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorkendyward
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rebirthoftruth
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KendyWard