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NOT MY WILL, BUT YOURS BE DONE: Activating Faith in Times of Sickness

At Victorious By Design, it’s our pleasure to highlight the achievements of individuals who are courageously walking in purpose and using their talents and abilities to make a positive impact. That’s why we are excited to feature Dr. Rose-Ann Smith who is an author, lecturer, consultant, and motivational speaker.

On Thursday, October 3, 2024, we will be celebrating the release of Dr. Smith's latest book Not My Will, but Yours Be Done: Activating Faith in Times of Sickness. Visit Dr. Smith's Facebook Author Page to keep up with launch activities.

With her spiritual work, Not My Will, but Yours Be Done: Activating Faith in Times of Sickness, set to launch, Dr. Smith takes readers on a deeply personal journey through her battle with breast cancer, reflecting on the true meaning of faith in times of uncertainty. From her academic achievements to her literary pursuits, Dr. Smith demonstrates perseverance, faith, and the power of trusting in God’s will.


In the midst of life’s most challenging battles, how do you understand, grow, and activate your faith? Dr. Smith offers a heartfelt and empowering guide to deepening your faith during times of illness. Drawing from her own profound journey through infertility and breast cancer, she shares deeply personal stories, spiritual insights, and practical advice to help you cultivate and activate your faith in times of sickness.


This book isn’t just about surviving; it’s about thriving in the face of adversity. Dr. Smith explores how to seek God’s presence, trust His plan, and find peace even when the path is uncertain. With compassion and wisdom, she invites you to join her in saying, “Not my will, Lord, but Yours be done.”



"My upcoming book, titled Not My Will, but Yours Be Done: Activating Faith in Times of Sickness, is my first spiritual work and was inspired by my journey through breast cancer," says Dr. Smith. "It was one of the toughest books I’ve ever written, but also incredibly fulfilling because it allowed me not only to share my testimony but also to encourage others in the Lord. Faith is something I’ve always questioned—what does it truly look like? When I was forced to understand it in a new way, the Lord laid it on my heart to write this book, and so I did.

"In writing this book, I learned to relinquish control and not get caught up in things I can't change. Breast cancer isn’t something you can just take a pill for—it’s a diagnosis that often brings fear, as it feels like death is looming. I was in a position where I had no choice but to rely on God, not even on the doctors, because there’s no definitive cure for cancer. Throughout the process, I had to trust God to guide the doctors. My biggest takeaway was realizing that faith isn’t about what I want, but about God’s will. Just like Jesus, I found myself crying out, 'Lord, take this cup away from me, but not my will—yours be done,' and then waiting for His will to be manifested."



Inspiring Minds, Empowering Voices, Transforming Lives


Dr. Rose-Ann Smith is an educator, author, and motivational speaker who finds joy in writing, singing, and inspiring others to pursue their goals with purpose. As a lecturer at the University of the West Indies in Kingston, Jamaica, and a Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation Consultant, Dr. Smith is deeply involved in research initiatives that focus on disaster management and sustainable development across the Caribbean.


Beyond her academic career, Dr. Smith is a devoted mother, Christian, and wife who draws on her personal experiences to inspire others to reach their fullest potential. She has written several book chapters, articles, and books spanning various genres, including faith-based and academic works. Her notable publications include her first children’s book, The Day I Became a Hurricane, which teaches young readers about hurricanes while promoting self-acceptance, and her second book, Not My Will But Yours Be Done: Activating Faith in Times of Sickness, which offers a deeply personal account of her struggles with infertility and breast cancer, providing hope and encouragement to those facing similar challenges. Dr. Smith remains dedicated to writing and sharing her stories, fueled by her passion for empowering minds through insightful words and wisdom.





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