In our society, we are conditioned to make regular or yearly appointments for what we call check-ups or wellness checks. In some cases, you even get good incentives for doing so.
Well, today, I want to remind you that your marriage requires check-ups. I’m not talking about the long conversations you have after you’ve been wronged or the heated arguments you get into after an infraction or marriage violation. See, some of these very things have occurred because you forgot, neglected, or even decided that your marriage had no need for a yearly, monthly, weekly, or daily checkup.
I find it oddly strange that some people will neglect this important process, when even Satan himself does daily and routine checkups on you. He is described as a thief, and his objective, to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10), never waivers nor changes. So, once you understand this, it is your responsibility to make sure that your marriage is intact.
Okay, Pastor Scroggins, I see where you’re going with this. However, I don’t know who we would go to as a couple to institute these wellness checkups or even how they are performed? That’s why I’m here.

The Bible is so resoundingly efficient when it comes to marriage and there is not a physician on earth more educated than the greatest physician of all…The Father. My first advice to you would be, study the Word of God for clear directives for marriage.
Based upon a few of the Scriptures, the Father would say to you both as the physician performing a routine checkup:
● Is your marriage held in honor? Hebrews 13:4
● Are you loving one another the proper way? 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 & Ephesians 5:25
● Are you adhering to conjugal rights of one another? 1 Corinthians 7:1-40
● Do you both know your position? 1 Peter 3:7
● Can you see the results of the Lord’s favor upon you? Proverbs 18:22
Right there, I’ve answered the who (The Father) and the how (The Scriptures) your marriage checkup can be performed.
Now, my doctors always say to me that preventive maintenance is the greatest source for living a well and whole life. As for me, I believe in making sure I’m staying on top of things when it concerns my health. The same efforts I put forward in health wholeness, I must also do the same things for marriage wellness or wholeness.
I hope you see where I’m going with this. If you are not doing the things that are required to keep your marriage healthy, don’t expect it to be. I must disclose these things because we are held accountable for the things we know.
I found that these are some of the best medicines or maintenance tools for marriage:
●Communication, which involves disclosing and exposing all emotional, physical, or spiritual situations and full talks in what we consider as no judgment zones.
● Forgiving, which will forever be a method to counteract any madness.
● Love, that covers all faults and is the foundation of a God-ordained marriage.
● Sex, the act of connection that explores the institution’s spiritual alignment.
● Spiritual Foundational Relations with the Father, which involves growing in the faith together, building faith, praying, fasting, staying grounded, and maintaining the three stranded cord.
Now, if you’ve been neglecting your marriage checkups, today is a great day to start implementing them into your marriage. Only you know how often your checkups are needed, but I can tell you at the beginning, you must implement them a lot until your marriage health is excellent. The healthier your marriage is, the less you’ll have to do checkups. But just know you’ll forever be responsible for having them.

About Pastor Danyelle Scroggins
Pastor Danyelle Scroggins is a native of Shreveport, Louisiana where she serves as the senior pastor of New Vessels Ministries North. She is the founder of Danyelle Scroggins Ministries which is the platform for inspirational and public speaking as well as spiritual and marital coaching. Danyelle studied Theology at Louisiana Baptist University, has a Psychology Degree from the University of Phoenix, an Interdisciplinary Degree in Psychology/Biblical Studies and Master’s in Religious Education, both from Liberty University.
Danyelle owns Divinely Sown Publishing LLC, a publishing house that specializes in the publication of books divinely sown into the hearts of writers. She is the author of over forty Christian fiction and nonfiction books.
Danyelle is the wife of Pastor Reynard Scroggins, a mother of three, a mother of two by marriage, and a grandmother. Her hobbies include reading, drawing, and photography.
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