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What would you do if you couldn't fail?

What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?

Would you live life to its fullest or would you run and tuck your tail?

Where would you go? What would you say?

Would you put off for tomorrow what can be done today?

Would you climb the highest mountains?

Would you sail the deepest sea?

Would you soar among the eagles, spread your wings as far as eyes could see?

Would you dance like no one’s watching?

Would you stand tall as the tallest tree?

Would you sing like no one’s listening, like the angels in perfect harmony?

What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?

Would you live life to its fullest or would you run and tuck your tail?

Winners never quit and quitters never win.

You can never finish if you never begin.

So find that special place deep inside your heart.

If you can believe it you can achieve it.

Don’t stop until you reach the top!

About Ramona

Ramona Powell Dennis is an author, teacher, and inspirational speaker. She has used her upbringing in a Christian home to help channel her love for Christ and her desire to be an inspiration to all. Relocating back to Tallahassee in 2000 to be the primary caregiver for both parents who suffered from Alzheimer's, gave her a renewed spirit, an opportunity to get back into her writing, and a desire to get closer to God.

She enjoys sharing her life experiences to show that no matter what life throws at you, you can overcome and prevail. Ramona’s mantra is Love-Trust-Live: Love yourself so that you can love others, Trust God in all things, Live a fruitful life.

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